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    Aussie Style Sushi Has Swum Over To New York And The Internet Is Bamboozled

    How have you lived a life without soy sauce in the tiny, squeezy fish bottles?

    It has just come to our attention that Aussie-style sushi exists. No, it's not a piece of fairy bread that's been rolled up, nor a Vegemite sandwich and some seaweed.

    They're what you might see at your local, Aussie shopping centre food court.

    These bad boys!

    Now, you might be thinking "Huh? How are those Aussie-style? They look like normal sushi rolls." Well, that's how they've been referred to in a video shared to TikTok by a New York creator named Becca.

    @boujeebitesonly / Via
    "This new Aussie-style sushi shop in West Village might be the best deal in town right now," said the creator.

    The video shows clips of spicy tuna, salmon and other standard sushi hand rolls you'd find in Australia along with the fish-shaped, soy sauce squeezers.

    Naturally, the internet is confused and Aussies are trying their best to clarify how we eat sushi over here across the vast oceans that separate us from the rest of the world.

    Some had questions — like these observant viewers.

    Others gave us new ideas for slogans that we think takeaway sushi in Australia should adopt ASAP. "The handheld snack of champions" feels like it needs to be on a graphic tee with a picture of cartoon sushi.

    But all in all, it's important to note that this style of sushi isn't just limited to Australia. It's an iteration of traditional temaki sushi (hand rolls) that haven't been cut.

    What would you consider to be the "handheld snack of champions" in your country?

    Let us know in the comments below!