As someone whose body has on more than one occasion done something that made a doctor look deeply and thoroughly confused, I can confidently say it can be an isolating and jarring experience.
That being said, it's been an absolute delight to have created a little community here on BuzzFeed dot com of fellow strange body-havers through these posts. I've seen y'all in the comments finding people with your same experiences, and I love to see it! It's like a little virtual support group! In this third iteration of "What's an 'unusual thing' your body does that you didn't know was unusual until someone was deeply confused," I am here to share 20 more stories from BuzzFeed readers just like you. To kick it off, I'll go first:
1. "Since I was a kid, I've heard this weird, TV static-y-sounding, rain stick-y noise coming from the back of my neck randomly. It almost feels like something is draining. I assumed that, kind of like when your stomach growls, it was just a weird body sound nobody really talked about. Well, fast-forward to this year and during a doctor's appointment, I mentioned it offhandedly. My doctor looked absolutely horrified — she'd never heard of that in her life. I told my partner, my friends, my parents...and not a soul had any idea what the hell I was talking about."
"After some googling and reading comments of fellow weird-head-noise-sufferers, it's believed to be the sound of your spinal fluid, though there's admittedly not a whole lot out there on it. People tend to hear it most when they're hungry and, after some personal testing, I can confirm that holds up."